Table of Contents
Manually Delete Trades in ChathamDirect
In instances where one or more trades are listed in ChathamDirect but your organization has determined they are not needed, you do have the ability to delete them so there is no longer any record of those transactions in the system. The brief guide below will walk you through how to take the necessary action.
Manually Delete Trades in ChathamDirect
The first thing you will need to do is download an Excel transaction template in ChathamDirect. To do that, navigate to Trading > FX Transactions:
Once on that page, next you will need to click the Download Template button and choose the Blank Template option:
Open the template file and begin by selecting Delete from the drop-down in column A and adding the Internal Reference Number in column C for each trade you need to delete. You can add as many records as you require into the same Excel file:
(Note: You can find your Internal Reference Number values by searching for your trades using the Search Transactions feature, and the values are displayed on the Summary view for each trade.)
Once you have populated your trades in the template, you will then go back to the FX Transactions page to load the file by clicking the Upload Trades button:
When the trade upload is completed you will be shown results:
If you experience any errors or have questions about the process, please reach out to your ChathamDirect representative.,