Table of Contents
Bulk OCI Release Update Steps
Single Release Bulk Update Option
For your Cash Flow hedges which have been deferring the fair value of the derivative on a month to month basis, you may sometimes need to make a change to how ChathamDirect has scheduled the future release of the accumulated OCI balance to your income statement. This article outlines how you can update the schedule for the OCI balance on multiple trades at once.
Bulk OCI Release Update Steps
First you will need to navigate to this feature by clicking on on the Accounting menu then Bulk Update OCI Release:
You will be taken to a screen where you can copy and paste all of the CRNs for trades you wish to update. The bulk update tool allows you to line separate the CRNs, which means you can take your CRNs from an Excel file directly into the bulk update tool:
On this page, you can choose to bulk apply one of your P&L templates to any or all of your trades by checking the box, choosing an existing template from the drop-down menu and then click Bulk Fill:
Alternatively, you can choose a new P&L template for each CRN discretely by selecting them from the drop down. Once you have made all necessary selections. Click the Continue to Review Updates button.
Single Release Bulk Update Option
When you check the Update all to Single Release Dates box, a new text box will appear on the right side of the screen. Similar to copying and pasting transaction CRNs, you can enter line separated dates here in either DD/MM/YYYY or D/M/YY format. Each date will align with its corresponding CRN in the section on the left:
You will now be taken to the Accounting Jobs page in ChathamDirect. This will display a summary of the completed updates, as well as any errors for your review:
If you encounter any errors during the update process, or have questions on how to complete these steps, please reach out to your Chatham representative.