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Navigating Market Rates
The Market Rates page is located in the Data menu within ChathamDirect. This page provides access to a variety of rate information in several regions. Here you can drill into any desired rate to see detailed historical information, forward curve data, and Fed Projections.
Navigating Market Rates
While on the Market Rates page, you will see a number of rate tables displaying summarized data. The page will be automatically set to a region (U.S.). You can flip between different the different categories near the top of the page. The dates displayed for each rate default to ____, you can adjust the dates displayed in the drop down at the top right side of the screen.
Note: You can select the star icon next to any rate to add it to the Favorites category. You can also copy the summarized rate table by clicking the icon near the title.
Fig.1 Drill into any table record to view the detailed breakdown of a particular rate.
You can either open an entire rate set by clicking the blue link at the top right corner of the rate table, or drill into a particular table row to view the specified details of that rate. Once drilled into a rate, you will be able to modify the data based on a number of factors. You can switch the view between Historical Rates and Forward Curves. You can also download a spreadsheet of the forward curves in the top right hand side of the screen.