Table of Contents
Sponsors outside of automated period-end batch
Sponsors in automated period-end batch
Run accounting allows you to generate accounting journal entries for the specified period end date. It also generates accounting for all events (e.g. maturities, de-designation etc.) that have happened for the sponsor from the last time accounting was run to date.
Sponsors outside automated period-end batch
From the welcome page, navigate to Accounting > Accounting Dashboard:
Page Break
From this dashboard page, navigate to the top of the page and select Accounting (MT, JE, ET):
Enter the As of Date (period-end date through which you want to run Accounting) and then select the Run Accounting button. The system will automatically identify and select all the trades require accounting:
Sponsors in automated period-end batch
If your accounting entries are run by Chatham then there is no action necessary. If you manually run your period-end accounting entries you can follow these steps.
Ad Hoc JEs/ETs
From the welcome page, navigate to Accounting > Accounting Dashboard:
On the Accounting Dashboard page, search for and select the trades for which you need to run journal entries and effectiveness tests:
Click the green Take Action button then choose Run Entries and Tests :
From the Run Entries and Tests pop-up, enter the As of Date (period-end date through which you want to run Accounting) and select Accounting (MT, JE, ET):