Table of Contents
The Manage Early Terminations workflow is used to start the accounting process for trades of any asset class that were terminated before the original maturity date. The workflow allows user to input termination values that are then used to create final termination journal entries.
Manage early terminations
To navigate to the termination workflow screen, from the home page click to Accounting > Accounting Dashboard:
Next, from the Accounting Dashboard, search for and select one trade on which you would like to terminate then click the green Take Action button then click Full Termination:
You will then be taken to the Early Termination workflow menu. This page provides fields to input relevant values and perform calculations pertaining to the early termination. Keep in mind that this page may have a slightly varied appearance depending on the type of trade selected:
If desired, use the Calculate button to determine Hedge Accrued Interest and relevant HYPO values. Clicking that button will display “Calculating…” while the system is processing, which does not take long:
When calculations have finished processing or when all required fields have been populated, click the Run Early Termination button to complete processes and generate journal entries: