Table of Contents
Bulk edit users via Excel template
Create and edit roles and individual permissions
New user login & password reset
User accounts in ChathamDirect are managed by using roles and permissions. The Administration section of ChathamDirect allows Administrators to create, modify, and deactivate users, and assign levels of access to different modules within ChathamDirect.
Note: Some clients choose to manage their own employee permissions, while others ask ChathamDirect to do this on their behalf. Please be sure you have established clear guidelines with ChathamDirect during the implementation process as to who should manage your users.
View your company's users
From the welcome page, navigate to your name in the top right corner under My Company > Administration:Click on the Users section on the left menu, which then shows a list of ChathamDirect users within your company. Click on an existing user to view their details and permissions or use the search bar to find a specific user:
When you view an individual user’s information, you will see the following fields:
Key fields to note:
- First Name, Last Name, and Email fields are required to establish a profile but do not necessarily grant login access.
- Active – use this to revoke access for one of your users by setting it to No.
- Role – this allows you to apply a predetermined group of permissions, known as a Role, to a specific user.
Client Identifier (SAML id) – this only applies to clients using Single Sign-On.
Add a new user
Click on Create User at the top of the screen:
You will then be prompted to enter the user’s name, email address, username, and role(s). A role is a template with pre-defined permissions within ChathamDirect. By assigning a user a role, their permissions are updated automatically. Click Create User to finish setting up their account:
Bulk edit users via Excel template
You may add new users and make changes to existing users (including their information and roles) in Excel, using the Excel export feature:
Once your edits are made in Excel, this file may be uploaded to ChathamDirect. The upload will then update each user according to the changes in the file:
Inactivate users
To remove a user’s access to ChathamDirect, check their name(s) and click Inactivate. They will no longer be able to login to ChathamDirect. If an inactivated user needs to be granted access later, their account may be reactivated:
Create and edit roles and individual permissions
Roles are templates that automatically assign a set of permissions to users with that role. To view roles that have already been created, click Roles within the Administration section. To create a new role, click Create Role:
Each role has permissions assigned to it. Click on the role to view the permissions as well as a list of users currently assigned to that role:
To make changes, check or uncheck the applicable permissions, and click Save Role. To assign users to that role, check their name in the Users section on the right.
- Note: It is recommended that you use Roles to assign permissions, so that similar users can easily be assigned the permissions relevant to them. Multiple roles may be assigned to one user. For one-off cases where a user fits into an existing role, but needs unique modifications, their individual permissions can be overridden (given access, or not given access) in the Permission Overrides tab.
New user login & password reset
When new users attempt to login for the first time, they will need to set up their password:
- Go to
- Click the Need help logging in? link.
- You will be prompted to enter the email address associated with the ChathamDirect account.
- Click the Send Email with Help button.
- You will receive an email with a link to .
- Login again and enter the temporary password
- User will be asked to reset the password to a new password.
- Note: Passwords must be at least 9 characters long and include a combination of at least three of these elements: uppercase letters, lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols.
User reports
User, permission, and historical login data are available as Excel reports within ChathamDirect.
- Permission Report– report of all users and assigned permissions.
- Audit Report-- report of user account creation and modification activity within a selected time period.
- Login Report-- report of login activity for a selected time period.
To generate a report, navigate to the Users page, click on the Excel report icon and select the desired report:
- Note: The Audit Report and Login Report have a date range filter, which is limited to a one calendar year range. You can go back farther than one year from the current date, but can only pull one year's worth of data per report.