Table of Contents

Download and file data in the Cash Flow template

Upload the exposure file

Check the upload status

Add, edit, or delete exposures after uploading


Cash Flow Exposures are timestamped for an as of date to provide for trend analysis. Two basic use cases exist for how Cash Flow Exposures are loaded. First you can load your complete forecast at each update, meaning the entire portfolio is uploaded/updated each time. The second includes an initial upload with your complete forecast, however only subsequently updating changed items. In either case you must appreciate how data is stored in the system and how an update will be processed. A record is created by the unique combination of Entity, Currency, Date, Exposure Type and Exposure Subtype. ChathamDirect will display any values that meet those filters, so if an exposure no longer exists it must be either deleted or best practice set to zero. The Exposure Management Page will display how many exposures were loaded, categorizing them as new or updated and noting any unchanged exposures from previous loads to help you manage the exposure portfolio that is loaded. 

Download and file data in the Cash Flow template

From the welcome page, navigate to Exposures > Cash Flow:

If you have previously loaded exposures, you will see the Dashboard screen showing the currency pair overview. Use the options menu in the top-left corner and select Exposure Management: 



On the Exposure Management page, click the Upload Exposures button: 

  • Note: If you have not yet loaded any cash flow exposures, clicking on Cash Flow will automatically take you to the exposure upload page. 


On the exposure upload page, click the Download Template button:



Once you download the template, fill in the six required columns with your data. Planning cycles are not required, so you can upload with multiple forecast dates:


Remember to click Save once you have entered your data. 

Upload the exposure file

If you navigated away from the exposure upload page, go to Exposures > Cash Flow. Use the menu in the top-left corner and select Exposure Management: 


On the Exposure Management page, click Upload Exposures: 

From the upload page, click the Choose File button and select the exposure file that you saved previously: 


To complete the upload, click the green Upload Exposures button: 



Check the upload status

After uploading a file, you will be directed to the Exposure Upload History page (Cash Flow > Exposure Management > Exposure Upload History):


While the upload file processes, the Uploaded Exposures and Upload Status columns will update in real-time. When the file finishes, the page displays the number of successfully uploaded exposures:



If any exposures failed to load, there will be an error link under the Uploaded Status column. Click the link to see the error messages. You can also click the Download icon to the right to download a file containing the exposures which failed to load:


Add, edit or delete exposures after uploading

Navigate to Exposures > Cash Flow. If you previously loaded exposures, you will see the Dashboard screen showing the currency pair overview. Use the options menu in the top-left corner and select Exposure Management:

  •  Note: If you have not yet loaded any cash flow exposures, you will not be able to add exposures individually. 


On the Exposure Update Overview page, click on the entity for which you want to view, edit or add exposures. You can also use the filter bar at the top to select a specific entity.

Hover over the period and currency you wish to view, then click to drill into that section:

 On the next page, click the plus (+) icon to add an exposure:


Enter the Amount, Currency, Exposure Type, Exposure Subtype (if applicable), and Forecast Date, then click Save:=

  • Note: to update a current exposure, the Exposure Type and Subtype should match exactly to what is previously listed. If these pieces of data are different it will create a new exposure instead of overwriting the existing value.