Table of Contents 


Upload rates in bulk

Update rates individually


Custom Rates can be entered in bulk using an Excel spreadsheet or individually on the web page. The Excel template used to load rates will be different depending on if you view currencies or currency pairs and by how many rate types you have. 

Upload rates in bulk 

Navigate to the Custom FX Rates dashboard under Operations > Custom FX Rates, then select the download icon on the top of the page. Depending on the amount and type of rates you have, a corresponding template will download: 

An Excel template will download, which can be used to enter in your rate information. The template will show the currency pairs (for example AUD-NZD or EUR-USD), or it can show all rates in the context of the home currency. If you only see one currency rather than a pair, then the currencies are going back to your home currency. 

Working with only one rate type:

If you have not added additional rate types, your template will require information for the following fields:

  • Index: This column allows for you to specify the currency pair 
  • Overwrite: The custom spot rate used to value the trades 
  • Date: This column allows you to record the date of the custom rate that was recorded 




Update the rates for any currencies you would like to override. Remember to enter rates in terms of the functional currency, also known as your primary operating currency.  

  • Note: you do not need to update all currencies in the template, we recommend deleting rows for any extra currencies.

Working with one or more rate types: 

If you have added in at least one additional rate type, your template will require information for the following fields:
  • Currency: In this section, fill out the currency of the rate you are reporting 
  • Rate Type: In this section, fill out the type of rate it is. Some common types of rates include “valuation,” “budget rate,” “scenario rate,” or “P & L rate”. This column allows you to customize a label to your rates and remain cohesive.  
  • Rate: The rate that you want to enter for the corresponding currency 
  • Start & End DateThese dates apply to custom rates for which you need to populate around a period of time rather than one day. The period of time for the rate will span from the start and end dates you enter.


Once your information is filled out in the template, you can then upload the template to ChathamDirect by clicking the Upload button:


Update rates individually

From the Custom FX Rates dashboard (Operations > Custom FX Rates), change the date at the top of the page for which you want to enter custom rates then click the pencil icon in the top right corner:

Once you have click the pencil icon, you can edit one or more currencies for which you are interested in changing the rate 

by entering your custom rate in the box provided. Once you have set all rates which you wish to change, click the green Save button in the top right corner:

Rates can be entered for any weekday. For weekends, you can enter the rate for the prior Friday and it will be used by our system to value trades for Friday, Saturday or Sunday. The dashboard page specifies “Last good date to enter rates” which is the date on you should enter rates in for that weekend date: