Download CMD Excel transaction loader
Populating the CMD Excel transaction loader
Download CMD Excel transaction loader
From the welcome page, navigate to Trading > Commodity Transactions:
Click the Download Template button to download a template to record your trades:
If you already have a template uploaded, you will see the Download Template option at the top of the dashboard:
From here you can select to download either a Blank Template for a blank excel file to load new trades or Current Transaction for a pre-filled excel transaction loader that contains transaction details of current trades, between selected dates:
Select the green Download Template button, which will cause an Excel file to download within your web browser.
Populating the CMD Excel transaction loader
The Excel sheet you just uploaded is explained in detail below:
Row 2 provides section headers
Column descriptions:
Row 3 provides details on the type of information that is required for the below field. Some columns are restricted to only a specific type of information or must be unique information. This row provides these explanatory details.
Row 4 provides field headers for the trade economic and descriptive details:
- Note: Not all of sections (1) are relevant for all types of trades. If a section appears to be relevant for the trade, then you must enter information in all bolded fields (2) that fall under the section.
Example scenario: If loading a commodity trade, you must fill out the bolded field headers in row 4 under the Reference Numbers section. Internal Reference Number is required to be filled out since it is bold, but Counterparty Reference Number is not required.
Action field:
New - Used for loading new trades into ChathamDirect. If a trade already exists in the system with the same Internal Reference Number (IRN) associated with it, it will not load, and an error message will be triggered.
Update - Used for updating existing trades in ChathamDirect. If a trade already exists in the system with the provided Internal Reference Number (IRN), it can be updated. The Update option, as opposed to Update Descriptives, will allow for updates to the economics and accounting treatment of the trade assuming proper permissions are held by the user.
Update Descriptives - Used for updating existing trades in ChathamDirect. If a trade already exists in the system with the provided Internal Reference Number (IRN), the descriptive fields associated with the trade can be updated. The Update Descriptives option, as opposed to Update, will only allow for updates to the descriptive fields and does not require any special permissions
Terminate - Used for Terminating existing trades in ChathamDirect. If a trade with the provided Internal Reference Number (IRN) needs to be terminated early, it can be done through the termination action. Only the termination fields will be updated. The Terminate action doesn’t require any special permissions.
Delete - Used to delete trades from ChathamDirect, using the Internal Reference Number (IRN).
Additional tips:
- Columns can be hidden or deleted to make entering only relevant information easier to enter (ChathamDirect will still accept the file while columns are hidden)
Extra informative columns may be added, but the information in those columns will not be loaded
- Row 4 must have the field names with exact spelling
- The first tab in the excel load file must remain “CMD detail” and the second tab must remain “Schedules” for ChathamDirect to process the file
- The Schedules tab is only required for trades with custom schedules. This tab can be ignored if there is no need to input a custom schedule for the trade.
Uploading the CMD Excel transaction loader to ChathamDirect
To upload trades using the excel transaction loader, navigate to Trading > Commodity Transactions:
Select Choose File and select the CMD Excel Transaction Loader from your desktop, then select the green Upload Trades button:
Understanding uploading errors
After uploading the Transaction Loader on the Commodity Transactions page, the system will show how many trades were uploaded. If trades fail to upload due to an error within the Transaction Loader, the number of trades which failed will show up in blue. Click the blue text for more detail on the error:
By clicking into the error a box will pop up with more detail on why the trades failed to upload, and in which rows those errors are can be found: